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Chat Commands

The following are a list of Collaboradev supported chat commands.

General Commands

!alert problem-areaSends an alert message and sound effect stating something is wrong
!commandsDisplays the link to available commands
!discordDisplays the discord link information
!firstAllows the first viewer that uses this command to receive a 100 points reward. Second receives 50 and third receives 25 points.
!giveawayDisplays current giveaway information when a giveaway is available
!hypeFloods the chat with hype.
!instagramDisplays the Instagram link information
!lurkDisplays the lurk message and announces that you wish to watch but not engage
!merchDisplays the merchandise store link
!nintendoDisplays Collaboradev’s Nintendo friend code
!pointsDisplays the rank, hours and total points earned
!quoteRecalls a random quote
!quote numberRecalls the specific quote by number
!quote add “quote line” – CollaboradevAdds a quote to the quotes list for the

!quote add “I wanna ride the snake” – Collaboradev
!raffleEnters you to win a prize when a raffle is available
!songShows the currently playing song
!steamDisplays the Steam profile link information
!streamDisplays stream timer information
!suggest gameSuggests a game to play
!tipDisplays a random tidbit of information
!uptimeDisplays the current stream up time information
!youtubeDisplays the YouTube link information

Sound Commands

!aaowPlays the Michael Jackson “Aaow!” sound
!air-raidPlays the air raid alarm sound
!ateamPlays the A-Team theme song
!avengersPlays the Avengers theme song
!awoogaPlays the “Awooga” sound effect
!axel-fPlays the Crazy Frog music clip version of “Axel F”
!baker-streetPlays the sax section from Baker Street
!banPlays the “Banned!” sound clip
!beavis-and-buttheadPlays the “Beavis and Butthead” laughing clip
!bitchPlays the “Bitch” yell sound clip
!bombPlays a bomb explosion sound clip
!booSends a boo message and sound effect
!burn-out-fade-awayPlays the “It’s better to burn out, than to fade away” sound clip from Highlander.
!burpSends a burp to some random watcher
!buzzerPlays the game show buzzer sound effect
!cartmanPlays Cartman’s ultimate curse sound byte
!cat-screamPlays the cat scream sound effect
!cha-chingPlays the cha-ching coin sound effect
!cheerSends a cheer message and sound effect
!chewy-laughPlays a sound clip of Chewbacca laughing
!chickenPlays a chicken sound clip
!circusPlays the circus bigtop music clip
!clenchPlays the “Clench the butt cheeks” sound clip
!combo-breakerPlays the combo breaker sound clip from Killer Instinct
!coolPlays the “Cool cooler coolest” sound clip
!cricketsPlays the crickets sound effect
!damn-sonPlays the “Damn Son” music clip
!diabetusPlays the “Diabetus” sound clip
!doctorPlays the “Doctor!” yell sound clip
!dolphinePlays the dolphin sound clip
!dramaPlays a quick drama sound clip
!dramaticPlays a dramatic music clip
!drop-the-bassPlays a short Skrillex sound clip
!dundundunPlays the “Dun dun dunnn” sound clip
!epic-saxPlays an epic sax music clip
!evil-incPlays the jingle from Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated
!extra-lifePlays the extra life sound clip
!f-thisPlays the “I don’t know what the f— just happened” song clip
!fanfareSends out celebration fanfare and sound effect
!fartSends a fart to some random watcher
!fing-awesomePlays the “This is f—ing awesome” music clip
!fing-geniusPlays the “F—ing genius!” sound clip
!finish-himPlays the “Finish Him!” sound clip for Mortal Kombat
!fortunaPlays the “Fortuna” epic orchestra sound clip
!gameoverPlays Hudson’s game over spiel from the movie Aliens.
!godzillaPlays the Godzilla scream sound effect
!hallelujahPlays the Hallelujah sound and music clip
!halloweenPlays the Halloween movie music clip
!hello-darknessPlays the “Hello darkness my old friend” music clip
!hockey-goalPlays the hockey goal music clip
!holy-shitPlays the “Holy shit!” sound effect
!homiePlays the “Homie don’t play that” sound clip
!hot-whistlePlays the hot whistle sound clip
!huge-bitchPlays the “That’s a huge bitch!” sound clip
!idiotPlays the “You are an idiot” music clip
!in-my-assPlays the “I want you, in my ass” sound clip
!jawsPlays the Jaws theme song music clip
!jasonPlays Friday The 13th’s kill chant sound clip
!killed-kennyPlays the “You killed Kenny” sound clip
!laugh-at-youPlays “They’re all going to laugh at you” from the movie Carrie
!legally-blindPlays the “I’m legally blind” sound clip
!leroy-jenkinsPlays the “Leroy Jenkins” sound clip
!like-turtlesPlays the “I like turtles” sound clip
!look-at-my-horsePlays the “Look at my horse” music clip
!loserPlays the losing horn sound effect from The Price Is Right
!mad-dun-dunPlays the angry “dun dun dun” sound effect
!make-moneyPlays the Tupac make money music clip
!mario-coinPlays the Mario coin collect sound effect
!mario-powerupPlays the Mario powerup sound effect
!mario-shartPlays a short mario music clip ending with a fart noise
!meowPlays a cat meow sound clip
!mexican-trumpetPlays a Mexican trumpet sound clip
!moneyPlays the “Money” music clip
!money-moneyPlays the “Money money money” music clip
!mooPlays a cow moo sound clip
!moreyouknowPlays the more you know jingle
!naniPlays the “Nani?” Japanese sound clip
!nerd-alertPlays the “Nerd alert!” sound clip
!oh-yeahPlays the “Oh yeah” music clip
!omphPlays the Blox “Omph” sound clip
!pegi-18Plays the “Pegi 18” spoken sound clip
!praise-the-lordPlays the “Praise the Lord” sound clip
!ricky-rollPlays “Never gonna give you up” by Rick Ashley
!rimshotPlays a rimshot sound effect
!runPlays the “Run” vine song
!scary-skeletonsPlays the “Scary Skeletons” music clip
!shesaidPlays the That’s what she said quote from Wayne’s World
!shitty-flutePlays the “Titanic” shitty flute song clip
!sikePlays the “Sike sike” sound clip
!sneaky-beakyPlays the “Are we rushing in, or are we doing sneaky beaky like?” sound clip
!sneezeSends a sneeze to some random watcher
!snorePlays the snore sound clip
!spongebob-failPlays the Spongebob failure sound clip
!suck-itPlays the “Suck It” song clip
!super-friendsPlays the Super Friends transition song clip
!suspensePlays a suspenseful music clip
!take-a-selfiePlays the “First, let me take a selfie” music clip
!tensionPlays a tension building music clip
!terminatorPlays the Terminator theme music clip
!thinkingPlays the Jeopardy thinking tune
!this-guy-stinksPlays the “Oh brother, this guys stinks!” sound clip
!thomasPlays the Thomas The Tank Engine music clip
!trapPlays “It’s a trap” from Star Wars
!voicesPlays the “I hear voices” music clip
!wait-whatPlays the “Wait! What?” sound clip
!westernPlays an old west music clip
!whatever-mfPlays the “Whatever Mother F—cker!” sound clip
!whompwhompPlays the whomp whomp sound effect
!why-you-lyingPlays the “Why You Lying” music clip
!winPlays the “Win” sound byte from Sonic
!win-win-winPlays the “All I do is win win win” music clip
!witch-laughPlays the witch laugh from Shadow of the Tomb Raider
!wowPlays the “Wow” sound clip

Mini-game Commands

!bossStarts the “Boss Battle” minigame
!challenge usernameStarts the “Duel” minigame against the specified username
!ffaStarts the “Free For All” minigame
!fight usernameStarts the fight minigame using random weapons against the username
!heist amountStarts the heist minigame waging the amount of points specified

Subscriber Commands

!dammPlays the Van Damm gun clip
!happyhappyPlays the happy happy joy joy clip from Ren and Stimpy
!hedobotPlays the hedonism bot clip
!koPlays the you got knocked the fugg out clip
!noPlays the hell no clip
!packagePlays the Claptrap check out my package clip
!rickjamesPlays the I’m Rick James bitch clip
!snusnuPlays the death by snu snu clip
!toastyPlays the Tobias Boon toasty clip
!whatPlays the Lil Jon what clip
!xgonnaPlays the X gonna give it to you clip
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